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A special collection of works

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is honored to recognize the gift of the Tess Onwueme collection.

The Tess Osonye Onwueme Papers

This special collection of manuscripts, lectures, papers, photographs, correspondence, reviews and multimedia spans the almost 30-year career of internationally renowned dramatist and playwright Tess Onwueme. It was donated to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foundation by the artist and will be made available to scholars and researchers in the McIntyre Library's Special Collections and Archives department. 

Your gift to the UW-Eau Claire Foundation can help support the maintenance of this important collection, ensuring that Tess Onwueme's works are available to scholars for years to come.

Tess Onwueme at celebration for her donation of Tess

Onwueme’s plays not only bring the range and beauty of Nigerian culture to an international audience, they create the artistic bridges crucial to the development of a multicultural educational environment. Her work speaks to studies of gender, race, class and cultural difference. Tess is a rare jewel in this country.

Dr. K. Kendall Theatre Chair, Smith College Northampton, MA
McIntyre Library entrance

Give to the UW-Eau Claire McIntyre Library

Help support the outstanding learning environment in UW-Eau Claire's McIntyre Library through your gift to the UW-Eau Claire Foundation. Your gift will help enhance student learning experiences and provide valuable faculty resources.

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